The Beseler 23C enlarger is one of the best enlargers made. Introduced in 1956, it is still in
production today. They are easy to find and use. Ebay is full of them.
You can contact Beleser at their website:
Maximum Baseboard Print Size
The maximum size print you can make with a 23C on the baseboard depends upon three factors: type of 23C (regular or XL), the negative size and the focal length of the lens. Here are the maximum print sizes for the 23C enlargers:
Regular 23C enlargers (non-XL)
35mm negative with 50mm lens: maximum print size is 15 x 22 3/8 inches
6x6 negative with 80mm lens: maximum print size is 19 1/4 x 19 1/4 inches
2 1/4 x 3 1/4 inch negative with 100mm lens: maximum print size is 14 x 20 1/8 inches
XL 23C Enlargers:
35mm negative with 50mm lens: maximum print size is 18 x 27 inches
6x6 negative with 80mm lens: maximum print size is 24 1/8 x 24 1/8 inches
2 1/4 x 3 1/4 inch negative with 100mm lens: maximum print size is 18 1/8 x 26 1/4 inches
Understand that these are full frame sizes with no cropping.
Since the 23C heads can be flipped to a horizontal position for wall projection, you can enlarge to any size only limited by the size of your darkroom!
- Feb 17 Tue 2009 02:29